Maintaining Your Fitness Routine While Traveling: 4 Tips for Success

You have a goal and are serious about maintaining your progress while traveling for the summer. Whether you're exploring new destinations or embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, it's important to keep your fitness routine on track. In this blog, we'll dive into the tips and strategies that will help you stay consistent with your workout routine while on the go. Whether you're embarking on an international adventure or exploring domestic destinations, these tips will keep you on track and ensure you make the most of your travel experiences.

Maintenance while traveling is a topic that I hold near and dear to my heart for a few reasons but here are my main two.

Why is maintaining your fitness routine important?

1. Consistency got you to where you are.

Imagine a life free from pain and discomfort, where you can fully enjoy your activities without limitations. That's the power of consistency. For me, it meant bidding farewell to the days of aching muscles caused by a torn hip labrum. The excruciating pain used to radiate from my lower back all the way down to my foot. Additionally, due to compensating for the pain, I even developed plantar fasciitis on the opposite side. 🙄

But once I discovered what kept me pain-free, it became a no-brainer to incorporate it into my routine. After all, what got me pain-free continues to keep me pain-free.

2. You travel for the once in a lifetime experiences.

If you're anything like me and my partner Colin, collecting memories and stories from the places we visit is what makes travel truly remarkable. From cliff jumping in Hawaii (with proper supervision, of course) to kayaking through a river in Chiang Mai, we seek the thrill and joy of these experiences. We want to feel capable and confident to embrace any opportunity that comes our way.

The point is we want to FEEL capable for the activities we want to do. We don’t want to go somewhere feeling like we’re missing out on an opportunity because we aren’t strong enough… brave enough is another thing. While in Tulum, it took me four minutes to overcome my fear of heights and jump into one of the cenotes we explored. It wasn't easy, but I did it!

I also know the people that work with me want to feel the same way. I've also witnessed how empowering it is for others. Last summer, one of my clients, who was 60 years old at the time, returned from a family reunion overjoyed because she could go white water rafting with everyone. It's incredible how she created such a memorable experience for herself!

The icing on the cake was that after that water based excursion, everyone was extremely sore but because of Pilates she was able to feel stronger and even more youthful than her kids in their late late 20s + 30s.

Now, let's delve into the tips that will help you maintain your fitness routine while traveling.

How to stay consistent with a workout routine while you are traveling

Here are my 4 tips that help me stay consistent with my workout routine when I am traveling both internationally and domestically.

1. Pack workout clothes + essentials

Start with the intention of working out during your trip by packing appropriate workout clothes and essential items.

You might think, "But I don't have enough room!" I get it. Road trips allow for more flexibility, while air travel requires a bit more creativity.  I usually wear my heaviest pair of shoes to save space in my carry-on. If I don’t want to wear my running shoes through the airport I’ll tie them to my backpack. So far no one’s said anything to me about it. Also, a tip for the females, packing shirts that have built-ins has been a great way for me to maximize my space.

This past November when Colin and I went to Hawaii for a wedding we did end up checking a bag so I was lucky enough to have some extra space. If you are not checking a bag I also like to look for little spaces where I can sneak in rolled up pieces of clothing. For example when I packed my hiking boots I stuffed them with socks and other small packed ziplock items so I could have more space in my luggage.

2. Plan activities and workouts ahead of time

Having a clear plan makes it easier to integrate workouts into your travel itinerary. For example, during my birthday trip to Idyllwild, my goal was to complete three hikes and three Pilates sessions—one upper body focus, one lower body focus, and one full-body workout.

Since I knew what my focus was going to be it was easier to pack some travel friendly props (resistance bands for my leg day and bala bangles for my arm day). Do you need props for your workout? Absolutely not! You can still get a great workout with just your body. That’s initially how Pilates started anyways! Just you and your mat.

I did count my hikes as workouts because it’s still WORK. I love the app Alltrails. You can look up trails ahead of time in the area you are visiting. Not only is there an option to see how long (mileage and time) a hike will be but also how much incline you’ll be ascending.

How does that saying go… the steepest climbs have the best view. And also the biggest burn! Hiking with elevation changes is a great leg workout and way to get some cardio work in. Yes, I said cardio. Do not tell me that your heart rate does not increase and your breath does not get faster after a steep climb. Your body perceives the effort at which you are working at not the activity that you are doing.

During our trip to Tulum, Colin and I rented Fixies (fixed gear bikes) for casual rides along the beach road. Little did we know that those rides would turn into an 8-mile adventure one day and a 9-mile journey to the Tulum Ruins the next. So we partnered our excursions with upper body workouts using bodyweight exercises like planks and push ups and banded exercise. 

3. Set appointments for workouts.

If possible, book a workout session or class at a local fitness studio near your accommodation. Having an appointment creates a sense of accountability and ensures you have dedicated time for your movement practice. During my birthday trip to Idyllwild, I was fortunate to find a Pilates studio just down the street from my Airbnb, so I booked a session. The best part is that while someone else is guiding and training me, I still get to enjoy my vacation mode.

My recommendation is to get in your movement practice first thing in the morning so that you can enjoy the rest of your vacation day. If we push it off for later in the day it lingerings in the back of our mind creating guilt. That’s no way to spend a vacation. Set a time in your alarm or calendar to DO the workout if you are following a video, written out program or creating one for yourself. Wake up, get dressed and get it done.

With trips like Hawaii or Thailand I chose a workout to complement what my plans were for the day. So if I was going Kayaking I did a leg day workout, if I was hiking I would partner it with an arm workout. It also helped us make a plan for the activities we did on our trip!

​​4. Seek accountability through companionship.

Invite a family member or a friend to join you in your workouts while traveling. If you've been following my journey, you know that Colin, my husband, is my workout partner and accountability buddy. Having someone else participate in your workouts is a powerful form of accountability. It's no wonder many of my clients opt for virtual training sessions even when they're on vacation. I've had the pleasure of training people from Hawaii to New York, in Airbnb rentals, hotel rooms, and gyms. It feels like I'm traveling with them, and it keeps me inspired.

Don't let your fitness goals take a backseat while you travel

Exercising while traveling holds tremendous significance for me. My training routine is not just a means to an end; it's a way of life. It allows me to live and experience a better way of life. As someone who has faced numerous injuries, I know firsthand that staying strong and fit enables me to enjoy my travels to the fullest.

Remember, consistency is key, whether you're at home or on the road. By following these tips, you can ensure that your fitness journey continues uninterrupted, allowing you to fully embrace the incredible adventures that await you.

So, pack your workout gear, plan your activities in advance, set appointments, and find an accountability partner. With these strategies in your arsenal, you'll be well-equipped to maintain your fitness routine while traveling and create unforgettable memories along the way.

Join my mailing list or follow me on Instagram ( to stay connected and receive more tips and insights to support your fitness journey. Let's embark on this adventure together and make every trip an opportunity for growth, strength, and joy.

Safe travels and happy sweating!

Laura Melgar

Hi! I’m Laura Melgar, a San Diego based Pilates Instructor + Personal Trainer. I help men and women bounce back from injury so they can do more of what they love: running, rock climbing, hiking, and living life to the fullest without injuries.

I’ve recovered from several surgeries (including a hip labral tear repair from playing rugby) and went from being medically told to give up my active hobbies to becoming a half marathoner.

Outside of fitness I am a dog mom, I love video games and adventuring & traveling with my husband.

My goal is to help you rebuild confidence in your body's movement, improve your strength, and help reduce your pain.


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