Feel your best,

Become your best,

Live your best.

Let me take a guess at YOU...

  1. You’re feeling stuck. You’re deciding if the latest fitness craze could be the solution for you.

  2. All you know is that you have spent time & energy trying to feel better in your body but have hit a wall.

  3. Your body is still in chronic pain. 

    Pain that keeps you from being able to sit for long periods of time and focusing on your work. Pain that nags at you during runs but brush off as just being part of the sport. Pain that hangs around after a hike or active social outing with friends. Pain that keeps you up at night because you can’t get comfortable or sleep on that side for too long, waking you up when you turn over because you got caught in the sheets wrong.

  4. You’re wondering if this is your new normal. You’re feeling defeated because working out is supposed to make you feel better and you’re putting in effort but aren’t seeing progress.

For those of you struggling through an injury, I see you. For those of you wanting to move without pain, I hear you. For those of you having feelings of self doubt creep into your mind of “will I ever again”, I get it.

I see you because I was you. I am here to tell you it is possible. Let me show you the way.

Move Better. Build Strength. Decrease Pain.



Personal Training

In Person and/or virtual training

Do you struggle with…

  • Feeling like you’ve plateaued with your current fitness routine

  • Traditional exercise causing you inflammation and pain afterwards

  • Feeling stagnant, complacent, injured or confused in the next steps of your fitness journey

  • Being afraid of hurting yourself during daily activities like when you pick up your toddler, a heavy box or groceries

  • Missing out on social gatherings or events because you are afraid of the pain you’ll be in afterwards

And you want to…

  • Run at your personal best again without worrying about your injury

  • Make a sudden twist or pivot without the fear of pain

  • Be able to play and keep up with your kids instead of watching from the sidelines

  • Understand the WHY behind exercises in your routine so that you can be in control of your body instead of it’s mercy

  • Build your foundation in movement, strength, endurance, nutrition, and mindset

  • Have accountability from a coach who knows your personal struggles and can actually help

I've been in your shoes, I know how to help you. I don’t want to waste your time. I’m going to arm you with all the tools with how to help you obtain the life you want and how to sustain it. If you want to have an effective, safe and efficient training program from a coach who knows your personal struggles and can actually help fill out the application below.

Why Atlas Health and Fitness is the solution.

Atlas Health and Fitness is your one stop shop to become your strongest and happiest self. I use a combination of Pilates, Personal Training and movement coaching to customize a tailored 1:1 program. I’ll help you rebuild the confidence in your body's movement so that you can go back to doing what you love: playing with your toddler, hiking outdoors, running alongside your dog and more. Imagine a life without pain and all the things that you would do without worrying that your body would fail you. I educate my clients on how to master their body movements and understand the human movement system; with that knowledge comes strength, power & confidence. You’ve heard you need a mind-body connection and when you work with me you will understand what that means and how to have it whether you are working out or in your daily life. Heal your body from the inside out and decrease pain so you can return to the activities you once enjoyed with an individualized comprehensive plan. Every single person’s plan is uniquely different.

What makes working with Laura Melgar different?

I’ve worked in the medical field and have navigated the medical system as a patient. I’ve experienced significant injuries and pain, some of which even required surgery. I’ve felt the despair and heavy emotions that accompany chronic pain. I’ve experienced the ripple effect that pain has on the day to day routine of life. I’ve spent countless hours over the course of years seeking solutions only to be told there wasn’t one and to give up living an active life. I’ve lived limited, knowing in my gut that there had to be a better option available. I wasn’t ready to call it quits, so I created my own answer.

Take a small step forward.

"Pilates Power: Unlock Your Body's Potential for Pain-Free Workouts," is your key to a stronger, more flexible, and injury-resistant body. Take your first steps to feeling good and having a happy body with a FREE ebook.