4 Tips to Exercising while on Vacation

So, you just booked an extended vacation and now you are wondering how you’re going to maintain the progress you made in your fitness routine. At least, that’s what I thought after booking my first vacation that was just over two weeks long to Thailand. What made it uneasy for me was also the fact that it would be my first vacation after having 3 major surgeries and working towards feeling comfortable and strong in my body. I knew that my comeback and the decreased pain I was feeling was hugely impacted by consistency and 16 days would be a LONG time to take a break.

Whether you are recovering from an injury, hit a rhythm with your weightlifting, or just looking for some extra tips to stay fit while you’re traveling, I've got you.

In this blog we’ll be addressing how to be consistent with your fitness routine while you are traveling. For me, fitness is a lifestyle. It's not just something that I do when it's convenient, especially coming from the background of having had hip surgery. I know that the more consistent I am with my fitness, the better I’ll feel. Ultimately, it’s also going to help me have MORE fun on vacation so that's why I'm such a big fan of sticking with it while you are traveling.

I’ve always been the type to go on vacation for the crazy experiences and memories. Some of them might scare me (like when I went swimming in a shark pool at an amusement park in Florida in 6th grade) and some of them I’m still dreaming and looking forward to doing (white water rafting through the grand canyon- I see you). To be able to feel comfortable DOING all this is made easier and more enjoyable when our bodies are strong enough to handle the intensity of it.

This past summer one of my clients went to her family reunion in Washington. They had rented a space near the water and planned on doing water activities for the week that they were there. When she came back from vacation the first thing she told me was how BADASS she felt being able to keep up with everyone kayaking and paddleboarding. After the first day on the water everyone was extremely sore but because of Pilates she was able to feel stronger and even more youthful than her kids in their late late 20s + 30s.

Yes, exercise has many health benefits, I won’t deny that. Personally though, what drives me to stay consistent with my fitness routine is the fact that I can have limitless fun and adventures. It won’t be my body that holds me back, just the fact that I might be a tiny bit scared. If I truly wanted to hike half dome or Angels landing I could… I just have to get over the fear of heights.

How to exercise while on vacation

The first one is gonna seem super intuitive, because it kind of is.

1. Bring your workout clothes

I cannot tell you how many times I have gone on a trip with friends or family where they thought they wouldn't have time to work out so they didn't pack any workout clothes or shoes. You never know when pockets of time are going to appear or where you can make time. I bet you if there is one person on your trip that's going to work out you're going to be kicking yourself saying I wish I would have brought my shoes/clothes.

I remember I went to a bachelorette party in Austin and I was the only one that brought workout clothes. I know what you’re thinking, really Laura a bachelorette party, but sticking to what I preach in staying consistent with my routine. I remember at least two, maybe three, other girls there were like “man, if I knew someone else was going to be working out on this trip I would have brought stuff to work out”. So number one, bring your clothes.

I find that it's a little bit easier to know what to pack for your workout clothes when you know what you're going to be doing for your workout or you know a little bit about what the weather is going to be like where you're going.

2. Plan your workouts ahead of time.

When we went to Joshua Tree for our engagement photos I knew it was going to be pretty warm there. So I packed biker shorts and a pair of cropped leggings for my cardio day. I kept in mind what the weather was like so that I could feel comfortable. I didn't know if there was going to be air conditioning so I also planned to do my workouts at the beginning of the day before it got warm. That way I wouldn’t be tired from the sun or feeling dehydrated which ultimately leads to postponing a workout.

For me, it makes it easier to follow through with the routine because I already have a program set in place. If you don't know, I'm going to tell you right now, I follow a calendar program that already has my workout routines planned and in place to follow. I plan out this program anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks depending on what goals I'm trying to reach at that point in time. All I have to do is pull out my calendar, see what I am doing on that particular day and then move my body accordingly.

What if I don’t have access to equipment? Most apps and websites have the option for bodyweight only strength training. I mean we did just come out of a pandemic where gyms were shut down so not having access to gym equipment doesn’t really fly as an excuse anymore. I also have a ton of 5-20min Mat Pilates options available on my Youtube channel that don’t require any fancy tools or props either.

What if I don’t have a schedule or plan to follow? If you’re on YouTube, create a playlist for yourself so that you don’t even have to fumble around with it the morning of. If you already belong to a membership site, is there a way that you could create a calendar for yourself so all you had to do was show up and press play? When my clients are traveling I give them the option of doing virtual 1:1 sessions or renting up to 3 pre-recorded workouts that are exclusively created for them based on their goals. Maybe there is a way to rent a workout video from your trainer’s On Demand Library or a written out plan of exercises. There are definitely tons of options here to make it work.

Knowing what you are doing for your workouts also helps you plan your trip around them (or vice versa). When we went to Joshua tree, our engagement shoot was Friday. Yes, I still wanted to get my workout in because exercising makes me feel good, confident and happy. All vibes that I want to carry into a photoshoot where a stranger is going to be capturing photos of Colin and I looking lovey dovey. (BTW she did an amazing job and I would highly recommend her for any couples shoot). So on Friday morning I did Pilates. It was perfect for the day of the photoshoot because I can move my body, feel strong in my core/midsection, and not have to wash my hair which I had done the day before. Saturday we planned to hike which I counted towards our workout of the day, Sunday we wanted to spend time around the town so we planned some arms + core, and Monday we were leaving so we did some cardio before the drive home.

So that also brings me to point number three which is…

3. Schedule in time for the workouts

It sounds really silly, but when you set a time you are making an appointment with yourself. Having it in your calendar is going to make you so much more likely to stick to the routine. The time is already blocked out for it so you might as well do it. This is one of the reasons why I schedule my clients out for an entire month at a time, to help them be consistent and help them prioritize themselves.

When Colin and I were traveling around Thailand we were incorporating more adventure type stuff like ziplining, kayaking, touring the town and trying to immerse ourselves in the culture. We would look at what we were doing the next day and schedule in our calendar when we were going to do our workout. When we set that appointment with ourselves, it was way more likely for us to do those workouts, since we had already set aside time for it. The only times we didn't do a workout was because we still were moving our body in an active way like kayaking or snorkeling. It is SO easy for things to pop up and flow into empty space, like scrolling through TikTok or IG.

I am a firm believer that the best way to keep injuries at bay is consistency. That is the way that I have been able to reduce the pain in my hip, in my back and any of the other injuries I have accumulated over the years. The consistency with keeping my body strong and healthy has really helped me and that's why I'm adamant about consistency with my clients and you.

Of course it's totally okay to miss a day here or there. I typically recommend my clients to never skip more than two days in a row of activity(this includes things outside of strength training like runs, walks, hikes, kayaking etc.) because then inactivity can slip into a habit.

4. Invite a family or a friend to do the workout with you

Colin and I always do our workouts together when we're traveling. At home it can be hit or miss but recently, we've been working out together because we're on team sweating for the wedding over here. Even though we workout together, we're not always following the same workout routine. We do this because we're holding each other accountable to setting aside time for making our health a priority. So if you can find a friend or family member to join in on the fun with you, I bet you that you'll be way more consistent with it as well.

Post workout at the hotel gym in Koh Lanta

Ultimately, we make time for what’s important to us but it’s not just about having time it’s also about having a plan. When we make a plan we’re going to be so much more successful. Bring your workout clothes, know what workouts you're going to be doing ahead of time, have someone help keep you accountable and know what props/tools you're going to be needing on your vacation. Some movement is better than no movement. No one wants to have back pain, hip pain or anything like that just because they you know took a week off from their routine. It will go a long way to helping you feel better, enjoying the vacation and living happier. That's what I'm all about and that's why I created Atlas Health and Fitness.

If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, go check it out! Like I mentioned earlier I post mini workouts ranging from 5-20minutes to help you do what you love. Click the image below to get redirected or search Laura Melgar Fitness on YouTube

Laura Melgar

Hi! I’m Laura Melgar, a San Diego based Pilates Instructor + Personal Trainer. I help men and women bounce back from injury so they can do more of what they love: running, rock climbing, hiking, and living life to the fullest without injuries.

I’ve recovered from several surgeries (including a hip labral tear repair from playing rugby) and went from being medically told to give up my active hobbies to becoming a half marathoner.

Outside of fitness I am a dog mom, I love video games and adventuring & traveling with my husband.

My goal is to help you rebuild confidence in your body's movement, improve your strength, and help reduce your pain.


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